Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our New Puppy!!!

Michael and I got a puppy. He is sooooo cute! We decided to name him Gambit. We got him on Nov. 1st and he is a beautiful white lab. We absolutely love him. Right now we are working on potty training and not biting us so hard, man those teeth are sharp. We have bought him all kinds of toys which he likes but still wants to chew on everything else as well.

We already take him on walks so he is learning to walk on a leash. He will hopfully start puppy training classes in January.

He loves Tucker (my roommate Mandy's Boxer) they play all the time, chasing eachother, eating together, and Tucker lets Gambit chew on him as much as he sweet. Tucker is a boy and when we brought Gambit home he kept trying to nurse off of Tucker. It was so funny, poor Tucker. Luckily he has got over that.

1 comment:

Sheila and Rusty said...

Awwww, sooo cute Saundra! You guys look awesome!