Saturday, April 2, 2011

Masters Complete Dec 2010!

Wow, has it really been since September since I last Blogged.....I guess it's true.  Well I guess some exciting stuff has happened since September.  I think the best thing was I completed my thesis and finally got my MASTERS DEGREE!!!  It was a lot of hard work and long hours but it was worth it.  I officially graduated this last December 2010.

For those of you that are interested  my thesis was a project-based thesis where I created Riding Through Life a curriculum guide for utilizing equine assisted learning with children who have high functioning autism.  It ended up being almost 140 pages!  It was a huge project. In November and December there were some days I spent over 16 hours working on it.  My faculty adviser didn't think I could complete it in time, but I pulled it off and I think it turned out great  If you want to read my thesis or just take a look, it was published on Proquest, here is the link:

I'm hoping you don't need a password to get on. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Liz Taylor said...

Congratulation Saundra! I'm so proud of you and I bet your husband is happy to have you back :)